Rob got active in DC government in 2002. We were only a couple years into the Williams administration, and it seemed there was real momentum to change the profoundly dysfunctional culture of most of the DC government. If we ever expect the Feds to give up their oversight of us we need to perform at a much higher level with city workers being held accountable and every transaction transparent.
He’s worked on numerous laws, testified at numerous oversight and budget hearings, lobbied all levels of DC government, and forged many a compromise between businesses and residents. It’s incredible how much work volunteers do even though we have a very high city employee per capita ratio.
He was President of the Dupont Citizens Association for 2 years, an ANC Commissioner in Dupont Circle for 4 years, and an Interim Main Streets Executive Director for 8 months. He ran the Dupont Public Safety Committee which acts as the liaison between the police and the community.
He runs the Dupont Forum. Prior to its existence all the communication in the neighborhood was outbound. There was no place for people to sound out ideas with others. He’s been an active board member for Dupont Main Streets and worked on two BID applications for Dupont Circle. He was involved in the founding of an “Aging In Place” project called Dupont Circle Village.
Rob doesn’t work on statehood issues, because he believes we’re not going to get any additional home rule until the city government hasn’t had a major scandal for about fives years. Until then, we are going to remain with the limited home rule we have.