Hey folks, I have this fabulous new website put together by Sarah Margaret Molloy Schwartz. More on and from Sarah soon.
Crowdsourcing Projects
We’ve developed expertise in methods of distributing work tasks and targeting information to relevant people in ways that were not previously practical to outsource. The creative use of new crowdsourcing tools has started the new wave of productivity increases. We can bring projects in quicker and at lower costs because of the vendor management skills…
Not-profit-motivated Services
I’ve long thought that our society should patronize and develop more services on the model of not-profit-motivated WordPress, Wikipedia, Drupal, and craigslist if we want a better world. I’m not condemning venture-funded and profit-motivated companies. They’ve done and will do great things; but in a macro sense, it’d be better to develop more companies oriented…
Clutter Folder
I enabled the Clutter function in Outlook and OWA about a month ago. It uses artificial intelligence to puts mass emails and emails that you don’t usually open into a new Outlook email folder called Clutter. It works well. It’s been better than most Junk mail filters at deciding what to remove from my Inbox….
Transition Progress
I’ve started doing Office 365 tasks within my projects that I used to have to farm out. There are still plenty of Microsoft Mysteries, but I think everyone occasionally assumes something would work out of the box that is actually difficult. The creativity in finding the best solution for a process in SharePoint that was…
Strategy in Company Location and Technology Choice (or Non-Choice)
I occasionally look at classified ads of companies seeking employees. In a large number of them, two things stick out as compromising the productivity and competitiveness of firms. Small decisions or non-decisions that lead to failing to change, add up. First is location. Are you going to get creative employees if you’re located in an…
Pants and Soulcraft
I was enjoying the audiobook The Year Without Pants so much that I was hoping it would never end. Despite that, when about halfway through Pants, I began trying to decide between two books to listen to next. I was really torn between two. Seemingly serendipitously, as I finished the last few minutes of Pants,…
Recent MS Study
This past month I’ve studied 3 days at Ignite DC downtown, 2 days partner training at the Microsoft offices, and 30 hours at Mack Sigman’s SharePoint Boot Camp. If I can fit in my schedule, I’ll do Mack’s SharePoint Admin course in Dec or Jan. These all involved prep and follow-up study. These studies are…
If you get too much email, maybe you should spend more time WRITING each email
If you concentrate on writing clearly and concisely, when it’s your role to weigh in, to only the people who need that information, you and your co-workers will get less email. When someone multi-tasking fires off an unclear email to 8 people, that will often generate 10 more emails rather than settle a matter as…
What Do We Mean by Strategic Technology Focus?
Almost every non-profit I go into has kluged-together technology. As they grew and shrank over the years, they picked up a website run on one platform that doesn’t talk to their data. Their program management doesn’t talk to their accounting. Their accounting doesn’t talk to their CRM or the link is so tenuous it takes…